
Our policies are established on the best practices. They follow the guidance of the Department of Education (DoE), Islamic ethos and British values.

Safeguarding Policy

This policy is based on the Department for Education’s statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education (2023) and Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018), and the Governance Handbook. We comply with this guidance and the arrangements agreed and published by our 3 local safeguarding partners.

At Luqman academy we ensure that:

  • Appropriate action is taken in a timely manner to safeguard and promote children’s welfare
  • All staff are aware of their statutory responsibilities with respect to safeguarding
  • Staff are properly trained in recognising and reporting safeguarding issues.

The full policy is available here.

Anti bullying Policy

Our mission as a school is centred on our belief in Allah. The aim is to create a secure, caring, Islamic and happy environment for every pupil. It is a basic entitlement of all children that they receive their education free from humiliation, oppression and abuse.

We aim to provide a school environment where bullying is not tolerated and students feel safe to tell someone, whether another child or an adult, if they are being bullied. Through the academic and welfare curriculum we aim to promote an anti-bullying message and strongly encourage tolerance, caring for each other and mainly respect towards one another.

Bullying in all its forms is unacceptable at Luqman Academy

The full policy is available here.

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

This policy sets out Luqman Academy’s intentions about Relationships and Sex education (RSE). We set out our rationale for and approach to RSE in the school. This policy will be reviewed every year by the Head teacher, RSE Coordinator, the Governing Body and staff. The next review date is August 2024. The policy will be given to all members of the Governing Body, and all teaching and non-teaching members of staff. Copies of the document will be available to all parents through the school office and will be sent to all parents.

The DfE guidance states that, “children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way”1. This means that they should know what it means to be fully human, to be equipped to manage relationships so that they are healthy and successful and to be enabled to make moral decisions in conscience. The teaching of RSE will aid the development of their knowledge and understanding of themselves as sexual beings.

Read and download the full policy here.

And verily, you (O Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon you) are on an exalted standard of character. Al-Quran 68:4.